Sunday, May 26, 2013

Watch out. I've got sharp sticks.

Imagine this: knitting, sewing and crocheting your whole wardrobe. Selling knitting and needlework creations - $$$. Self-defense with the tools and needles. Spy work with aforementioned knitting needles, crocheting hooks, sewing needles and yards of yarn and string!

I first started knitting about . . . hm . . . two years ago. I learned the basic braid-vs-knot and just braid. I liked it more and more because the pattern and feel of knitting was so meditative, lulling, and an art, too! I liked the click of the needles and the threading of string. I've also read about knitting blogs in Blogging With Moxie: knitting is the new black! Speaking of which, you should try - a great knitting blog . . . hence the name (DUH). Anyways: I have taken a like to knitting. Even the word is pretty. Knitting. Soft. Like . . . pretty knots.

Last year I began crocheting! I used my one of mom's crochet hooks from Ukraine and I liked it a lot! You only need one took and it's not as . . . sharp as knitting needles. And hooking the string around to make patterns and weaving the yarn feels neat.

Last year I also did some needlework to sew "bat wings" onto a borrowed black sweater for my Halloween costume. My mom and grandmother are both great at sewing and I think it's a useful life skill. This year I got four of my OWN crocheting hooks for the New Year! I am learning how to crochet "columns." My progress is on the image above.

Maybe this could be my new calling! The Knit Twist! MWA HA HA HA HA!

Spying Advantages of Knitting and Needlework
1. Spike someone with the needles or hooks if they're trying to mug you, attack you, etc.
2. String can become handy when a fight to the death is the only option. You thinking what I'm thinking?
3. If you want to grab something that is a storey below yourself, attach a hook - not a crocheting hook, but a regular hook made of a paper clip - to a string and try to hook it up. This does not work for food unless it's in a bag with hand-holds.
4. Balls and bunches of yarn make good makeshift pillows.
5. The materials of needlework are good for making your own clothes when you're on the run.
6. Try picking locks if your knitting needles are very thin.
7. Knitting needles can do some ripping of seams if there are any secret pockets in backpacks or jeans, say. They can also decapitate scarecrows and get you a disguise.
8. Lasso a loop of string around a light switch or lever to pull it from a distance.
9. Do that hook-the-string-to-a-hook-and-pass-it-to-the-2nd-storey thing but attach the string to a note or something (hey, lined paper has holes in it! Convenient!) and pass it to your accomplice on the first floor.

1 comment:

  1. Of course you'd think of spy things to do with knitting equipment ;3
